Sunday, January 14, 2007

Run like someone's chasing you

We ran Forest Park this afternoon and one thing is for sure: I have A LOT of work to do before I can run 13.1 miles, let alone do it in under 2 hours. We ran from Steinberg ice rink to the corner of Clayton and Skinker and back (which I have to point out is the hardest part of the park) and it basically kicked my ass. My muscles felt fine, but I couldn't catch my breath and I realize that I haven't run so hard that I though I was going to puke in a long time. We must have been running faster than normal. Which is good. Neither of us are wearing watches. The battery to mine died a long time ago and I tried to replace it but couldn't. Oh well, I'm liking not running with a watch. It seems to make me go faster.

It's now 9:00. Eight hours after the run and my heart rate is still recovering. That's good. It's the way it should be.

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