Saturday, January 13, 2007

Starting Out

Well, I wouldn't call it a New Year's Resolution exactly (because I always make them and I never complete them) but I have it in my head that I am going to run the St. Louis Half Marathon this April. I am not new to running, so this should be no big deal. But it is a big deal, because while I've run 5 half marathons in the past, each one has been slower and more painful than the last. So this time I'm going to train not just to finish but to finish well.

There's also this other thing about fitting into my black dress. It's a long story but basically, my other (real) goal is to fit back into the cute black cocktail dress I have been hanging on to for the past nine years because I keep telling myself that someday I will wear it again. Yes, I will wear it and I will have somewhere very glamorous to go in it....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
